Please scroll to the bottom of the page if you would like to be added to the waitlist.
THE IMC 2017 will meet Monday June 12th through Sunday June 18th
TUITION IS NOT REFUNDABLE. Should you need to cancel, the wait list is accessible for replacements once we are full for 2017. We will keep the wait list active until the beginning of February. You may coordinate with us to find a replacement for your spot should you need to . If finding your replacement is successful, you will only owe a $150 paperwork transfer fee (this covers our work and any paypal fees that are non-refundable). Submission onto, and ACCESS TO the wait list will completely close 12 weeks before class or sooner under some circumstances. If we find that certain groups in the IMC no longer have enough people on the list to justify keeping it open we will close the list. You may still find your OWN replacement and put them in touch with us and we will proceed from there. If they enroll fully we can refund all of your tuition minus the $150 paypal fees and paperwork transfer fee.
*We have rarely had any instructor or guest have to completely miss an IMC due to an emergency or illness, but if any instructor or guest does have to miss part of or the whole week due to a very serious emergency or illness we will provide an additional guest instructor to teach for that person.
$2640 paid via the 3 installments payment plan
**To avoid any issues with our shopping cart system this year, all payments will be made via the 3 payment plan.
The first payment of $880 will be due at time of registration and will secure your spot in the class.
The second payment will be due December 15th. (By which time we will have paypal buttons available for both 2nd and 3rd payments for those who want to pay the entire tuition before the end of the year.) The third payment will be due February 15th.
Contact PAYPAL directly for information on and to see if you qualify for BILL ME LATER, which can divide any of these payments into 6 interest free payments should you desire to pay in smaller chunks.**
If you live locally and would like to stay off campus we can reduce your final payment. Off Campus tuition is $2240. Email us after enrollment at the time of your final payment.
-Tuition includes classes, lectures and demos, as well as room and board
-Lectures are open to all students regardless of their focus group
-Students will primarily be with their focus group teachers but will have access to the other teachers during designated times
-Studio time with the teachers (including 2-3 lectures per day) runs from 10am until 8 or 9pm daily( and often infomally later into the night)
-Your spot is assured with your paypal payment receipt of your 1st payment.
-If one focus group is full, that does NOT mean the whole IMC is full. Choose from another group below and you will likely find a great spot in the IMC.
-Contact us if you would like a sample schedule from a prior IMC
CHOOSE A FOCUS GROUP BELOW (Once you enroll in a group you may not SHIFT or CHANGE your group):
CHOOSE A FOCUS GROUP BELOW (Once you enroll in a group you may not SHIFT or CHANGE your group):
Focus Group 1A: John Jude Palencar*, Donato Giancola, Greg Manchess, Irene Gallo
*John will be with the IMC for the FULL WEEK and will work with this focus group(1A) for the day one crit, as well as between 1-5 pm every afternoon until Wednesday (he will be in the other studios in the mornings between 10-noon Tues. and Wed.). After Wednesday, he will rotate into all the studios, mornings and afternoons for the rest of the IMC week.
*Primarily Traditional Media, but hybrid techniques will be welcome. See details below.
Groups 1A and 1B will share their teachers between them.
The teachers listed above for Group 1A will be your Day 1 critique group and who you'll be primarily working with every afternoon for the first three days of class between 1-5pm, with morning hours between 10am-12 noon with the other teachers.
From Thursday until the end of the IMC core teachers and John Jude Palencar, will rotate into all studios.
Industry guests connected with group 1A:
Eric Skillman (Criterion Collection)
Irene Gallo (TOR)
Lauren Panepinto (ORBIT)
Cynthia Sheppard (Wizards of the Coast- Magic: The Gathering)
Every Day Original ( Marc Scheff will review traditional work for consideration for EDO)
*This group will meet in studio 101 and will allow both digital and traditional media. If you are working traditonally you may request an easel. If you will be bringing a computer, and plan to work in a hybrid method, you can request a table spot and bring your own table top easel to shift to traditional (we cannot provide both tables and easels, you have your choice of one or the other)
GROUP 1A is FULL for 2017
If you are currently enrolled in this group and need to complete the next two payments please go here
If you are currently enrolled in this group and need to complete the next two payments please go here
Focus Group 1B: Cynthia Sheppard*, Dan Dos Santos, Scott Fischer
*Cynthia will be at the IMC Monday the 12th through Wednesday the 14th. She will work with this focus group for the day one crit and every afternoon. She will be rotating into other studios/classrooms in the morning studio time between 10-noon on Tuesday and Wednesday
*Digital Media Only (this group will meet in classroom 217). See details below.
Groups 1A and 1B will share their teachers between them.
The teachers listed above for Group 1B will be your Day 1 critique group and who you'll be primarily working with for the first three days of class, between 1-5pm, with morning hours between 10am-12 noon
with the other teachers.
From Thursday until the end of the IMC, core teachers and John Jude Palencar, will rotate into all studios.
Industry guests connected with group 1B:
Eric Skillman (Criterion Collection)
Irene Gallo (TOR)
Lauren Panepinto (ORBIT)
Cynthia Sheppard (Wizards of the Coast- Magic: The Gathering)
Every Day Original ( Marc Scheff will review traditional work for consideration for EDO)
*This Group will meet in classroom 2017 and features tables and chairs rather than easels, plenty of electrical outlets, and lighting control with large window shades providing the most comfortable environment for people working at a computer screen. Pencils and paper are allowed in this room but no paint or wet media.
GROUP 1B is FULL for 2017
If you are currently enrolled in this group and need to complete the next two payments please go here
If you are currently enrolled in this group and need to complete the next two payments please go here
Focus Group 2: Andrew Hem*, Rebecca Leveille-Guay, Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo
*Andrew Hem will be at the IMC Monday the 12th through Wednesday the 14th. He will work with this focus group for the day one crit and every afternoon. He will be rotating into other studios/classrooms in the morning studio time between 10-noon on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Teachers in this group will be working with group 2 students during the Day one Crit and from 1-5 PM daily through Wednesday, and in other studios and classrooms between 10-noon.
From Thursday until the end of the IMC, core teachers and John Jude Palencar, will rotate into all studios.
*Traditional Media Only. See details below.
Industry guests connected to this group:
David Molesky
Paul Booth
Lance Rehs
Every Day Original (Marc Scheff and Lauren Pannepinto will review traditional work for consideration for EDO)
*This group will focus on gallery and personally driven work (not related to publishing, as focused on in group 1A and 1B). We will be discussing the areas of crossover between illustrators shifting to gallery, where there are similarities as well as distinct differences. We will talk about the sub categories within the gallery world as it relates to different types of content. We will be focusing on representational contemporary figurative, surrealism, and imaginative realism.This Group will meet in Studio 201, will work in traditional media and will be provided with easels.
GROUP 2 is FULL for 2017
If you are currently enrolled in this group and need to complete the next two payments please go here
If you are currently enrolled in this group and need to complete the next two payments please go here
To be placed on the waitlist for any group above, please fill out the waitlist form below.
If and when a spot opens up, people will be emailed based on the order of sign up and group preference.
If and when a spot opens up, people will be emailed based on the order of sign up and group preference.